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Sorrell Associates, LLC

Sorrell Associates is a company dedicated to the development of people and maximizing human resources.  Our mission is to improve the performance of our clients, and help them reach their potential.  To do so, we find that clients today want programs and processes that are tailored to their needs, their situations, their people, and their industries.  Therefore, all of our programs have been produced with a great span of flexibility.  This flexibility allows us to customize our services to meet the needs of each client and speak to his or her unique situation.

Our programs, processes, and services are cost-effective, results-oriented, and designed to achieve a high return on investment ratio.  The results we achieve are measurable, documented, and ongoing.  Many programs include scheduled follow-ups that extend over a twelve-month period, which is very attractive to our clients, and keeps us actively involved with long-term client relationships.  Our outstanding programs and processes, coupled with highly-trained and skilled professionals, provide us with a position in the marketplace that has taken years to develop.  In the training and development field, we present one of the most complete portfolios of proven and meaningful services in the people development area.

Gary Sorrell
President of Sorrell Associates, LLC

Gary has provided Consulting Services to companies nationwide at all levels of the organization from executives, managers, supervisors, sales managers, to front line staff.  Gary is a four time Chief Executive Officer and possesses over 25 years of experience in marketing, sales, hospitality, production, human resources, and customer service.  Gary has multiple years of experience in behavioral management profiling and assessments, strategic planning, management development, leadership development, team building, sales development, communications, customer service, managing for success, pre-employment assessments, and continuous quality improvement.  He is the president of Sorrell Associates with two - (2) office across the US. (Warsaw, OH., & Oklahoma City, OK.)

Gary has extensive background in working with companies and non-profit organizations in a variety of capacities from strategic planning to customer service.  He also received the honor of recognition for employer of the year from the Akron, Ohio MRDD. 

Gary has the education, background, expertise, skills, and processes necessary to assist companies in accomplishing their short and long-term goals, therefore positively impacting their bottom line for sustained future results and business longevity.

Call us today to take your business to another level:

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Send mail to gary@strategicplanningsuccess.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © Sorrell Associates, LLC
Last modified: 08/12/14

Sorrell Associates, LLC

Corporate Office: 24681 State Route 60, Warsaw, OH 43844 - 740-824-4842

Oklahoma Office: 2220 SW 96th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73159

Copyright Sorrell Associates, LLC all rights reserved.


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Sorrell Associates, LLC
Helping people and companies worldwide achieve their dreams and goals!