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What follows is a description of assessments that are available from Sorrell Associates and TTI Performance Systems, Ltd.  All assessments are easy to use.  In just 10 short minutes you can complete the Managing For Success forms online and your administrator will be able to obtain a valuable report of unique personal insights that will help you discover qualities about yourself that could be the key to opening new doors of opportunity.  You will have a better understanding of your work and/or management style and be able to develop an action plan that can enhance your personal and professional growth.

The ability to interact effectively with people may be the difference between success or failure in our work and our personal life.  The Managing For Success software reports meet a variety of needs and special applications required for increased individual and organizational effectiveness.  The report generated from your individual responses quantifies information on how we perceive ourselves and others and results in increased effectiveness and productivity.

“Effective interaction begins 
with an accurate perception of oneself.”


New Profile Alert

Job Fit Report & Talent Fit Report


Introducing The Fit Series. The Fit Series is made up of three time-tested and proven assessments (DISC, PIAV™, and Task Quotient™). Together these assessments form three reports:

· Talent Fit (Sample)

· Job Fit (Sample)

· Multi Respondent Job Fit (Sample)

The marketplace has been begging for a system such as this, that is cost-effective for positions under $20 per hour.

The TTI Job Fit uses the behavior and rewards/culture section from TriMetrix and adds the Task Quotient to make this a great system. Ultimately, the Job Fit is an easy-to-use and extremely valid way to benchmark any job.

The TTI Talent Fit report is a conglomeration of Style Insights™, Motivation Insights™, and Task Quotient. When used with the Job Fit, you can easily compare candidates to the job’s benchmark.

Benefits of the TTI Fit Series
· Its low cost allows you to compete in a starving market.
· Uses the same behaviors and values from TriMetrix and includes Task Quotient.
· It’s accurate.

Call today 740-824-4842

TriMetrix System 

“How to win the race to a productive, happy, and energized work force!”

A company’s success depends on the attributes, talents, and “will” of its employees.

Hiring, training, and development are all keys to success.

However, you may hire what you think is the right person, spend the money training and developing that person, only to find out 3-6 months later that they are not the person for “that” job. Or that they are hurting the company instead of helping you get where you want to be.

Now ask yourself;

·        How much did this cost?

·        How has this affected morale of your other employees?

·        Has this affected other employee’s productivity?

·        Have employees lost their trust in you and the company?

·        What will it cost to start over?

·        How can I avoid repeating this cycle?

·        How has it affected my customers?

The TriMetrix System will uncover the secrets to successfully fitting the person with the job for superior performance.

This is NOT a magic wand (although you may think it is) this is a process and when you do this properly, everyone wins; the company, the employee(s), and the customer!

Click here for the TriMetrix System flyer


Attributes Index  -

The attributes index was designed to help companies find, develop, and retain the very best talent available.

Discover and develop personal talent for success!

The Attributes Index is an accurate ranking of personal ATTRIBUTES describing individual potential for workplace performance.

The Attribute Index can contribute successfully to a number of business processes requiring effective talent management, including:

Employee Selection

Employee Development

Coaching and Mentoring

Performance Appraisals

Targeted reports are available to identify key talents required in a number of business positions, such as: General Employment, Management, Sales Management, Sales and Customer Service.

Managing For Success Executive program is designed for CEOs, Managers, and Decision Makers.  It provides an accurate analysis of their strengths, their value to the organization and provides knowledge that enables them to negotiate a communication system that produces more effective work teams.

  Managing For Success Employee-Manager program gives valuable information to the employee, the manager and the work team.  It clarifies individual work styles, how styles effect job performance and how the employee-manager relationship effects productivity and goal achievement.

  Managing For Success Sales program allows sales managers to increase success in hiring the “Right” person and motivating new and existing salespeople to perform at their best.  It takes the guesswork out of managing salespeople, and allows companies to develop sound relationships through individual management plans.

  Managing For Success Team Building program targets key information necessary to build effective teams.  Through individual reports, each team member clearly perceives how he/she contributes to the organization and gains a greater appreciation of how differing styles are required to achieve team goals.

Managing For Success Customer Service program is designed to allow employees having any contact with customers to learn more about themselves and learn how certain customers will react to their natural communication style.  This increased knowledge will help the employee build rapport and provide more successful customer service.

Managing For Success Work Environment program is directly related to matching a person’s natural behavior with the behavior demanded by a specific job.  This system allows the user to identify and compare people’s perceptions with reality.  There are six unique comparisons for you to fully understand the ramifications of job matching and mismatching.

Time P.L.U.S. program identifies Time Wasters that impact individual productivity, their possible causes and offers possible solutions for correcting or eliminating specific time wasters.  It allows individuals the opportunity to develop a powerful new approach to organizing, monitoring and managing their time.

Interviewing Insights is a special program available in two versions, General and Sales, which allows you to compare the person you are interviewing to their reports.  It eliminates the candidate from masking behavior just to get the job.  Make sure you hire the “real” person—not their adapted behavior for the interview.

Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values is an assessment report that gives you insight into your own attitudes and values which direct your actions and provides the “why” behind what you perceive as your purpose and direction in life.  Values help you make choices when confronted with difficult decisions and behaviors.  Thus this assessment is commonly used in resolving conflict or intervention.  Another purpose is to consider the nature of values and how they impact on work performance at both the individual and the group level.  Employers can recognize the different values and how they are supported in an agreeable and rewarding way so productivity will increase and goals will be achieved.

Sales Strategy Index covers six different steps in the sales process: Prospecting, First Impressions, Qualifying, Demonstration, Influence and Closing.  This program:

  • ·       simplifies sales training

  • ·       allows managing and coaching to be focused on the areas that product results

  • ·       builds confidence

  • ·       identifies the sales strategy knowledge areas that are needed to sell a specific product/service in a given market

  • ·       identifies new sales applicant’s strengths and weaknesses

  • ·       identifies specific training or management needs of a salesperson or sales force.

Behavioral Factor Indicator reports are available with the Executive, Employee-Manager and Sales programs.  These reports are designed to evaluate specific behavioral factors that are directly related to high achievement.  By generating a bar-graph report, the Behavioral Factor Indicator reports classify a person’s behavioral skill in 12 specific areas for the Management report and 17 for the Sales report.  The reports are easy to read and compare an individual against other top performers or against a standard.  The reports assist the managers in identifying exactly where coaching may be required and what behavioral changes are needed to improve performance.

Communicating With Style enhances the communication process with any group through an understanding of an individual’s own communication style.  The report includes a section on Communication Flexibility and Situational Strategies that develop group communication.  An Action Plan designates specific communication goals.  This program is widely used in family situations.

Discovery 360° Feedback assessments are powerful tools for helping individuals improve, grow and develop their soft (interpersonal) skills. When a 360° Feedback report is returned the ineffective soft skills are made aware.  The assessment shows an individual what others think their performance is versus what it should be. The understanding of others’ perception will increase an individual’s drive for success, when they are given the information in a constructive manner such as the Discovery 360° Feedback.  This assessment is used as a starting point for a developmental process.  The follow-up strategies provide results that ensure improvement and success.  Information given is strictly confidential and the final reports are detailed with interpreted guidelines.

The Orion Pre-Employment System was designed to measure work-relevant attitudes and experiences.  The emphasis is on detection of attitudes and behavioral tendencies which might lead to:

·       employee theft

·       employee drug use

·       difficulty accepting ones niche in an organizational hierarchy

·       poor work habits

·       reluctance to embrace new technologies or methods

·       safety orientation

The System is intended to be a non-threatening, brief but systematic way of assessing these characteristics so that potential employers might have additional information with which to make informed hiring decisions.

T.E.A.M.S.  assessment is used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of your team players.  Each team has its own unique impact.  T.E.A.M.S. provides a complete assessment of the strengths and weaknesses before implementing team building training.

Conflict Resolution is an assessment to discover the real cause of conflict by analyzing behavior, attitudes, values and perception.  This process is then implemented where all parties can understand their differences from a positive standpoint.  Results are quickly attained and long lasting.

Continuous Lifelong Learning is a personal and professional development process that puts people in charge of their own careers.  This process incorporates the three key components of success:

·       Commitment

·       Accountability

·       Coaching

Continuous Lifelong Learning builds in these components and includes a goal setting and self-improvement process.

  If a picture is worth a thousand words,

Then a demonstration could be worth a thousand pictures.

Contact us today to learn more about any of the above assessments or to take an online demonstration of the power of these products.

Are you ready to receive your personal profile?

Simply login to the assessment center below with a password, fill-in your information, complete the evaluation within 10 minutes. We will contact you with your results via e-mail. 

For more information on any of the above assessments or our easy online process, contact us today.


Employee-Manager Profile Sample

PIAV Profile Sample



Managing For Success Flyer Click Here

Internet Delivery System Flyer Click Here

Orion Systems information flyer
(Pre-Employment Assessment)

Attribute Index  Management - sample

Atttributes Index Flyer

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Last modified: 08/12/14

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Sorrell Associates, LLC
Helping people and companies worldwide achieve their dreams and goals!