Dynamic Communications Seminar
Effective Communication Dynamic Communication is a behaviorally-based communication seminar. It teaches people how to communicate using the DISC language as a way of understanding themselves and others. The seminar incorporates a behavioral assessment to give a more complete understanding of what DISC is and how to use it. Employees learn how to interact with others and to appreciate others' behavioral styles within the organization. Increased communication is noticed immediately after the seminar. Effective communication stems from the
right combination of tone of voice, words, body language, and pace of speech and
actions. These four areas are the components of a person's behavioral style. We
need to adapt our behavior in order to communicate effectively with others.
Using the techniques contained in this seminar, organizations can immediately
open the doors of communication within the entire company. Why Learn About Behavior? Learning about a behavioral model will help a person to better understand themselves and others, enhancing personal and professional relationships. An understanding of behavior will accomplish the following:
Seminar Objectives At the end of this seminar the participants will:
Dynamic Communication Leads to Continuous Improvement Behavior is the doorway to communication. The use of it creates win/win relationships. Your behavioral design is the combination of four adaptable factors - D, I, S, C. The DISC behavioral model is universally proven to provide applications for improvement in the following areas:
Personalized Report Dynamic Communication incorporates a Managing For Success software report. This personalized report enhances the behavioral training by using each individual's style to teach about DISC. After the seminar an individual can read through the report in order to completely understand his/her behavior. Immediate Results Dynamic Communication participants leave the seminar energized and ready to apply the knowledge gained. Employers begin to see the positive changes immediately after the seminar. People will realize that differences are good and can be used effectively to make an organization successful. Participants do not stop learning when the seminar is over. Their MFS report will allow them to continually learn about their behavioral style and in turn improve their communication skills. The benefits of this seminar are endless. Click here for a free assessment Samples
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